Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Advantages/Disadvantages of Electronic Communication

One obvious benefit of modern communication on the internet is that people from different geographical locations around the world can access online information instantly. Whether it's a blog, conversation, picture, etc., the communication is very user-friendly because of the exposure of information and convenience to access it. Information is easily submitted and retrieved on the internet.

Although electronic communication has beneficial aspects, it is also detrimental to our modern society in multiple facets. One of the major negative aspects is misinterpretation of information. Whereas communication used to be more personal, modern communication on the internet can create a disconnect between different individuals. For example, emotions such as humor, anger, and sarcasm can be difficult to detect, especially if people do not know each other personally. Another crucial issue is privacy. Once information is exposed on the internet, it is very difficult to have it removed. A negative or malicious post can be very detrimental to a person or group's identity and reputation.

Despite the negative aspects of communication via the internet, it will remain an integral part of communication in society because technology is constantly advancing and people are drawn in by the information that the media and internet expose. Facebook is a perfect example. Although it is a major distraction and doesn't provide anything that really benefits me, I still visit my Facebook page multiple times a day because I am so drawn to it (unfortunately).

1 comment:

  1. Exposure from a young age to the realities of the world is a super-big thing. See the link below for more info.

