Monday, March 5, 2012

Farmer's Market

Growing up in a small suburb of San Francisco, there was a farmer's market just 5 minutes from my house every Saturday morning. It's interesting to see how my memories of the farmer's market have progressed as I've gotten older.

When I was young, the farmer's market meant long straw tubes filled with organic honey. When I reached high school, my parents would have me run errands to the farmer's market to pick up fresh fish and produce for dinner that night. As I matured, I gained an appreciation for the local farmers who work hard to provide fresh produce for communities. It makes me resent large corporations like Wal-Mart that exploit people for maximum profits.

As a student at Cal Poly, I visit the farmer's market every Thursday night to buy dinner. Not only am I supporting local food providers, but the food is really good. I wish that more people would buy their produce from the farmer's market instead of larger companies.

CP Poultry Unit

For our video presentation, me and my classmate journeyed to the poultry unit on the outskirts of campus. What an eye-opening experience! We interviewed a second-year student named Christian who lives in the poultry unit in a little double-wide motor home. I can't imagine being content living in such an isolated environment, but Christian seems to like it a lot. He grew up on a farm in Crescent City, so working in the poultry unit is right up his alley.

Christian gave us a mini-tour of the poultry unit. We got to see 4,000 chickens that have been confined to cages producing eggs for a year. The odor in this room was unbearable, but Christian said "You get used to it." The Chickens produce eggs that travel on a conveyor belt to a different room where they are then collected and stacked in crates. I forget the exact number, but I believe Christian said 2,000 eggs are collected per day.

Although I can't relate to the lifestyle that Christian has, it's interesting and beneficial to gain a new perspective on someone who grew up with an agricultural background.

Questioning the Healthiness of Chipotle

After watching the long Chipotle commercial in class last week, I was intrigued enough to look into the healthiness of the burrito. The commercial was trying to convey the message that Chipotle gets their ingredients straight from the farm while maintaining an eco-friendly environment.

I would say that on average I make at least one visit to the Chipotle in San Luis Obispo every week. The downtown location is convenient, the food tastes great, and for some reason it doesn't get old. I was always under the impression that what I was consuming was healthy. I order basically the same thing every time: A chicken burrito with white rice, pinto beans, grilled vegetables, salsa, sour cream, cheese, and lettuce. Sounds reasonably healthy, right?

According to, the Chipotle mexican grilled burrito is the worst Mexican entree in America. It contains 1,179 calories,7 g fat, 125 g carbs, and 2,656 mg of sodium. The ingredients may be relatively healthy, but the size of the burrito is not. Splitting the burrito in half with another person would be a healthy alternative, but for me and many others that's impossible because I always want to eat the whole thing at once. 

After researching, I've come to the conclusion that Chipotle is an acceptable meal if I'm looking for something reasonably healthy. The serving size and excessive sodium in the burrito are the downsides to eating there, but the upside is that the ingredients are fresh and free of trans-fat. Although I have yet to get tired of the chicken burrito, I should consider not eating the whole thing at once and cutting down on the frequent trips there. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Advantages/Disadvantages of Electronic Communication

One obvious benefit of modern communication on the internet is that people from different geographical locations around the world can access online information instantly. Whether it's a blog, conversation, picture, etc., the communication is very user-friendly because of the exposure of information and convenience to access it. Information is easily submitted and retrieved on the internet.

Although electronic communication has beneficial aspects, it is also detrimental to our modern society in multiple facets. One of the major negative aspects is misinterpretation of information. Whereas communication used to be more personal, modern communication on the internet can create a disconnect between different individuals. For example, emotions such as humor, anger, and sarcasm can be difficult to detect, especially if people do not know each other personally. Another crucial issue is privacy. Once information is exposed on the internet, it is very difficult to have it removed. A negative or malicious post can be very detrimental to a person or group's identity and reputation.

Despite the negative aspects of communication via the internet, it will remain an integral part of communication in society because technology is constantly advancing and people are drawn in by the information that the media and internet expose. Facebook is a perfect example. Although it is a major distraction and doesn't provide anything that really benefits me, I still visit my Facebook page multiple times a day because I am so drawn to it (unfortunately).

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The #1 Issue Facing Agriculture

A major issue currently facing the agricultural industry is foodborne contamination. Food processing facilities are far from flawless in regards to maintaining sanitation in meat and poultry. The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has the responsibility of preventing foodborne contamination and adulteration across the United States. One simple, yet vital aspect of maintaining food sanitation is hand washing. Humans who do not thoroughly wash their hands can easily transfer pathogens to meat. Additionally, the intestinal contents of slaughtered meat contributes to foodborne contamination. Although the FSIS has over 6,000 food safety inspectors, foodborne contamination remains detrimental to human health.