Monday, March 5, 2012

Farmer's Market

Growing up in a small suburb of San Francisco, there was a farmer's market just 5 minutes from my house every Saturday morning. It's interesting to see how my memories of the farmer's market have progressed as I've gotten older.

When I was young, the farmer's market meant long straw tubes filled with organic honey. When I reached high school, my parents would have me run errands to the farmer's market to pick up fresh fish and produce for dinner that night. As I matured, I gained an appreciation for the local farmers who work hard to provide fresh produce for communities. It makes me resent large corporations like Wal-Mart that exploit people for maximum profits.

As a student at Cal Poly, I visit the farmer's market every Thursday night to buy dinner. Not only am I supporting local food providers, but the food is really good. I wish that more people would buy their produce from the farmer's market instead of larger companies.

1 comment:

  1. Farmer's Markets are awesome. I definitely have a newfound appreciation for them living in SLO. I never realized how lucky I was to have one near my home growing up; I can't imagine living someplace where there aren't any opportunities to buy fresh, local produce and meats.
